May Meeting Minutes
The meeting minutes for the May 2021 full Coalition meeting have been posted on the “Partners Only” page. Links are available in the meeting minutes to view the attendance and voting poll report.
The meeting minutes for the May 2021 full Coalition meeting have been posted on the “Partners Only” page. Links are available in the meeting minutes to view the attendance and voting poll report.
Cookeville Regional Medical Center is holding a 2-day Traing the Trainer Workshop for Therapeutic Alternatives in Crisis Training on May 10-11, 2021. Go to the Events or Calendar page for more information and to access the registration form. Registration closes on 5/4/2021.
The minutes from the March meeting of the Executive Committee have been posted on the Partners Only page.
The minutes for the full meeting of the Coalition have been uploaded to the Partners Only page. Reminder, you must be a member of the coalition to receive a password and access these documents.